Faith Hope & Fiction

Quality Online Fiction, Poetry, and Essays

Girl of Blue

Girl of Blue – Poetry by Andrew Michael

Andrew Michael

Short Poem

Of splendorful, wondrous white
fashioned i a girl of blue
betwixt snowflakes dancing,
watched, she:
wide eyed
in gleeful merriment true
her likeness become form.

In a kiss as silent as the night
perhaps for the very first time
alive both hither and there
reigned she,
queen of all
noble, gentle, humble
my girl of blue and white.


Andrew Michael is a writer, poet, and professional designer. His writing is inspired by the loving union of the human being with the heavenly soul. His short story Rainbow Light is published here at Faith Hope and Fiction. Andrew’s self-published website and blog can be viewed at His current work in progress is a spiritual, nonfiction novel entitled Abigalé.


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