Darkness is in thrall to the Maker’s light
By Bryant Burroughs
God gave all things a nature suitable to the
character of the life assigned them.
Irenaeus 130-202 A.D.
When all creation was “not yet”,
and time had yet to start,
your word blazed through the dark
and flared matter to life,
jetting newborn lights
from your endless reservoir,
each elated to fill the expanse
and expand the far
borders of the heavens,
racing in joy to be the fastest
and farthest star,
never wearying nor slowing
in being the marvels
you made them to be.
“Peer at us” they call
to watchers of the night.
“Look and listen.
See what we show
and hear when we say:
darkness is in thrall
to the Maker’s light.”
Bryant Burroughs writes stories and poems as reminders of those things he hopes are real and true. He and his wife, Ruth, live in Upstate South Carolina with their three cats.