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Storms and Angels

Two Poems by Laura Hogan - Angel of Dark and Fire - Sunrise after the Storm

Two Poems by

Laura Hogan

Sunrise after the Storm

Dark sky shatters, in shards at last
Your sudden brilliance pierces,
Scatters blackness and broken thought,
Sets the spectral horizon ablaze.

Your luminous kisses brush
Leaden bruised cheeks, so hurt
Touching, lighting afire –
Sparking slivers of blue promise.

You have come for me after all
And given me this,
In airy paper and nimbus ribbon –
Unmistakable hope.

Poems by Laura Hogan

Angel of Dark and Fire

My angel most certainly
dwells in darkness and fire.
She my assigned warrior
battles night and chaos.

She lives in the crags
between asleep and awake.
Sword glinting, eyes a
steely might in my favor.

Born fire from Fire
she is of the Fire I love.
You, set in my heart,
set as a seal, burning.

You encircle me, you
make flame her buckler.
Why should I fear?
She prevails, powerful
sentry in this world; yet
she dissolves, forceful
magnet to the next.

Darkness is yet light
in that kingdom.
A temporary blindness
which opens wide.

My angel stands in
divine darkness,
the black hole of
her unseen weight
compels, urges me
into lightness, a
surrender to brightness.

In her there is no fear.
I long for such wings.
Reaching sightless
my embrace meets
the alchemy of
your Fire. Cares forgotten,
I take flight.


Laura Hogan writes and speaks regarding Christian spirituality, in particular Paul’s theology of suffering, transformation and joy. She lives in Los Angeles with her family.

Painting by Tyback

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