About Short Story Movie Trailers…

Reimagining Storytelling
Tricia’s Blog
Put two artists together and watch what happens. When collaboration across genres occurs it can be truly transformative.
I’ve been fortunate to experience the creative energy generated by collaborating with my very talented videographer son, Pat Commins. Working together, we have reimagined storytelling through a combined genre we call “short story movie trailers.”
These short videos, only about a minute long, convey the mood and tone of a written work through images, using a script that is derived from the story (but is not a verbatim excerpt).
In the process of reimagining storytelling in this new form, I’ve had to venture outside my comfort zone, as Pat nudges (and sometimes pushes) me beyond a literal interpretation of what I’ve written. Pat, while also a very good writer, approaches storytelling visually using images—sometimes literal, sometimes abstract—accompanied by sound. These sensory experiences entertain, inform, and evoke emotions. Watching him as he perfects his craft, I have gained a deeper appreciation for storytelling that occurs through and with the lens.
For me, the short story movie trailers complete the creative process that is always visual at the beginning. When I write, I “see” the stories in my head—watching the characters interact, hearing their voices. Writing is the process of capturing in words what I envision. My hope is that the same “movie” (or at least a similar one) will play in readers’ heads as they read what I’ve written.
I invite you to watch our short story movie trailers and to read the stories they accompany. You will experience two distinct yet complementary storytelling experiences, engaging your sense and igniting your imagination.
—Patricia Crisafulli
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FaithHopeandFiction.com welcomes submission of original stories, essays, poetry, and art work. For more details, please see our Submission Guidelines.
Videography by Pat Commins