The Real Problem
Sunayna Pal
The problem is not them,
It is you.
It isn’t really you, either–
It’s your thoughts
They tell you that you are unloved,
They make you feel unloved.
How is it possible
when I feel the most loved with you?
Haven’t you heard of Karma?
The love you give away
comes back multiplied.
Then how is it possible
for you to not feel loved?
It is all in your head.
Really, search your heart
and you will find it.
You are beautiful.
Everyone does find
their true love.
You will too!
I know you will.
I have seen others,
I don’t doubt it.
Born in Mumbai, Sunayna Pal moved to the U.S. after her marriage. She opted out of her corporate job to embark on her heart’s pursuits—sold art for NGOs and became a certified handwriting analyst to help people understand themselves. She is a new mother and devotes all of her free time to writing and heartfulness. Visit her website at