2 Poems for These Times
Joseph Roque
Alone in a Crowd
Some believe loneliness can’t flourish
among the swaggering masses,
but to understand emptiness,
one must first accept the sly deception
of numbers.
among the swaggering masses,
but to understand emptiness,
one must first accept the sly deception
of numbers.
Quantity doesn’t guarantee camaraderie,
a crowd is a mob with insecurities;
questions you’d rather not answer.
a crowd is a mob with insecurities;
questions you’d rather not answer.
A lifetime of experiences
teaches bitter lessons,
learn to appreciate the peace and
power of solitude—
a gift of no rebuttals, no rejection,
no rancor; no repression.
teaches bitter lessons,
learn to appreciate the peace and
power of solitude—
a gift of no rebuttals, no rejection,
no rancor; no repression.
Embrace this compromised companion,
this self-inflicted harmony, this sweet,
noncritical multitude of one.
this self-inflicted harmony, this sweet,
noncritical multitude of one.
Message to My Granddaughters
Who will win your heart someday
when you feel your wings; hear the wind
telling you to fly?
when you feel your wings; hear the wind
telling you to fly?
Who will make you smile on those days
when all you want to do is cry?
when all you want to do is cry?
Is there a method, a magic message hidden
in your dreams to help you reveal the one
that holds the key to your heart?
in your dreams to help you reveal the one
that holds the key to your heart?
Do not be in a rush, don’t push your
uncertainty one way or the other—
uncertainty one way or the other—
set your intuition free; wait for the day
a first hello makes you catch your breath;
trip and skip a step.
a first hello makes you catch your breath;
trip and skip a step.
That will be the time to listen to his words;
let all that you know, all you’ve become,
decide if his words ring true; if his eyes
light up and sparkle when he looks at you—
let all that you know, all you’ve become,
decide if his words ring true; if his eyes
light up and sparkle when he looks at you—
that look that says he will
always protect you,
take your place when you are in danger;
die for you if need be,
always protect you,
take your place when you are in danger;
die for you if need be,
smile upon his face.
Joseph Roque is a poet whose works have appeared in several literary journals. A collection of his poems, Ashes and Excuses, examines a life journey through triumphs and trials.
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Photograph: Patricia Crisafulli