Faith Hope & Fiction

Quality Online Fiction, Poetry, and Essays

Category archive: Original Online Fiction

Wild Honey

Wild Honey - Short Fiction by Patricia Crisafulli

“You ever watch bees? One goes out, finds nectar, and starts buzzing. Pretty soon the air is full of them. People ain’t any different.”

Original Fiction by

Patricia Crisafulli

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Passion for a Prisoner

Passion for a Prisoner by Tom Sheehan

“Last warnin’, to the pair of ya. Git out’n here now fore I let loose. Emsie, you come first, girl. I ain’t meaning’ to shoot ya, but I sure am itchin’ with this trigger.”

Fiction by

Tom Sheehan

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Deep Water

Fiction by

Patricia Crisafulli

 Sylvia was the first to arrive, twenty-two minutes before the class was scheduled to begin. Scanning the six long tables arranged in a rectangle, she decided to take a seat in the middle along the far wall, her back to the windows overlooking the parking lot. The flyer carried in her purse calmed the buzz of fearful embarrassment that she might have arrived on the wrong day or at the wrong time.

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Delwyn's Feather - Short Story by Patricia Crisafulli

Delwyn’s Feather

Holiday fiction by

Patricia Crisafulli

S now sugared the lawn and whitened the balsam wreathes at the twin bay windows flanking the front door painted red as holly berries. Lacy flakes drifted to earth, one tethering itself to the sleeve of the old black wool jacket that Delwyn Edward Morgan wore.

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Sam Nicholas

Holiday fiction by

Tom Sheehan

The Roar of the Elephant

Fiction by

Linda Breeden

L ife happens and then it just stops. The “happens” part, with all the starts and pauses, joys and disappointments, make up modern family life. My family consisted of my parents, my son and his wife, and my precocious granddaughter. The modern label is the “club-sandwich” generation; here, in the South, we just call it family. Life, too, is full of obvious truths that in any family are either ignored or unaddressed. It’s called “the elephant in the room.”

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Lucy Mae

“Lucy Mae, the stars shine for you, and the night sky is as endless as my love. I’ll be home soon. I never break a promise.”

Short story by

Eliza Briskey

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Wishing on Bones

Fiction by

Patricia Crisafulli

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