Faith Hope & Fiction

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Tag archive: Heaven

Ticket to Heaven

Ticket To Heaven - Fiction by Bria Burton

Original Fiction by

Bria Burton

T he old man dressed like a silent film star: black and white suit, shiny shoes, a cane, and even a top hat. The hat sat on the bench and the cane leaned against the back of it. His head of curly white hair moved like a Bobblehead doll.

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Delwyn's Feather - Short Story by Patricia Crisafulli

Delwyn’s Feather

Holiday fiction by

Patricia Crisafulli

S now sugared the lawn and whitened the balsam wreathes at the twin bay windows flanking the front door painted red as holly berries. Lacy flakes drifted to earth, one tethering itself to the sleeve of the old black wool jacket that Delwyn Edward Morgan wore.

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