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Thansgiving prayer, family, friends, poem by Joseph Roque

Thanksgiving Prayer

Joseph Roque

For Family & Friends

Thanksgiving sees me, lumbers
toward me again,

Good food, family, friends; warm
fire, hazy white
church spire in the distance,
pointing to heaven, but
something is missing—

not the Autumn wind, angry
that its color-symphony of fallen leaves
will soon recede, not the cotton candy
clouds, sketching all-too-familiar shapes—

it is the voices and laughter of lamented
loved ones, the essence of their touch,
the presence of so much joy they gave to us.

For all that God has sent our way,
we give special thanks, but
on this day, above all others,
I give thanks for more—

I celebrate the missing, survive
by reminiscing about those I loved
who took with them pieces
of my heart, but left behind a crop
of precious memories.

Each day I cheer, embrace
those still here, remember those
who were so much a part of me,
to them softly whisper—

I will not forget you—

Joseph Roque spends his time in the woods of New England—seducing nature and gathering words in glass jars. His poetry has appeared in Aphelion, Silver Wings Magazine,, A Tender Touch and A Shade of Blue,,, Faith Hope and Fiction, A Long Story Short, Psychopoetica, Cerebration, Censored Poets, The Poet’s Haven, Death Head Grin, Eunoia Review, Pens On Fire, and Zygote in my

Read all poems and prayers by Joseph Roque at Faith Hope & Fiction

Image Credit: Patricia | Baptistery Dome, Florence, Italy

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