Faith Hope & Fiction

Quality Online Fiction, Poetry, and Essays

Submission Guidelines welcomes submissions of original short stories, essays, and poetry to “inspire and entertain,” which covers a lot of emotional territory. (No graphic sex or excessive four-letter language–think of this site as PG-13.) But if you write raw feelings, life unfiltered and uncompromised, and the search for some kind of meaning amid this chaos, we want to hear from you!

We do not pay for stories (it’s a free site–sorry!). But, you retain the copyright and may reuse, republish (etc. etc.) to your heart’s desire. Our acceptance rate currently is very high, about 75%. For stories that make the initial cut, we provide a lot of feedback, often editing with track changes. So if you welcome the kind of feedback you might get in a workshop, and don’t mind the multicolored comments that come with track changes, then try a submission. First, though, send a brief query about the piece to Tricia via the Contact button at the bottom of this page. The new FaithHopeandFiction now publishes on a rolling basis, and we do our best to respond quickly. (But “we” is mostly “me,” so patience is appreciated. If you do not hear in a reasonable amount of time, resend your query.)

Here are a few more helpful guidelines:

  1. Original short stories: from flash fiction (200 words) up to longer pieces of 5,000 — 6,000 words.
  2. Original essays: particularly those exploring personal experience, message/meaning. No politics or preaching, please. (500 to 2,000 words)
  3. Original Poetry: short poems that inspire and explore emotional territory.
  4. Art & Photography: we have a small gallery and welcome digital submissions of photos or artwork—provided that you own the copyright.
  5. Only submissions written in Word can be considered. Submissions that are “cut and pasted” into emails will be returned.
  6. Contact Patricia and we’ll get the conversation started.

If you like the site please pass the word: sign up for the Newsletter, share a page link with your friends or Tweet it, and join the Facebook community page.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Thanks.
Tricia Crisafulli
Founder and Publisher,